Thursday 31 May 2012

Eunhyuk Turns All Shades of Red When His Old Love Letter Is Shared On ‘Strong Heart’

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk was such a sweet little kid. So sweet that Choi Yoon Youngdecided to share a very special childhood memory between the two of them on the May 29th broadcast of SBS‘ “Strong Heart”.
The actress was a guest on the episode, and during the episode she surprised everyone by sharing a love letter that she received in sixth grade. She went on to say, “The boy that wrote me a love letter when I was young is sitting right here in this room” and that boy…was Super Junior’s Eunhyuk.
Apparently, the two of them were in the same class and she just so happened to have it on her. Of course, to add to Eunhyuk’s embarrassment, she read the letter which wasn’t signed by Lee Hyuk Jae (Eunhyuk), but by ‘Yoo Ji Hyuk’. So who is ‘Yoo Ji Hyuk’? Well apparently Eunhyuk referred to himself as ‘Yoo Ji Hyuk’ in sixth grade and he had taken the pieces of names of three famous people, Yoo Seung JunEun Ji Won, and H.O.T.’sJang Wook Hyuk. Upon hearing this of course, the room roared with laughter and Eunhyuk tried to hide his face because he was so embarrassed.
However, it didn’t stop there… Eunhyuk concluded the letter with a cute, “I like you” to which Choi Yoon Young commented, “If he really liked me, he would have written ‘I love you’. Were you playing with my feelings?” Thus leaving Eunhyuk dumbfounded and everyone else exploded with laughter.
Other than the love letter, Choi Yoon Young revealed that Eunhyuk was a popular guy in school and was known for his dance skills. He was also a part of a group called S.D.R (Song Dance Rap), which included JYJ’s Junsu.
Awwww Eunhyuk! Thank you for the good laugh.

Leeteuk (@special1004) is still laughing by the way, as he posted on his twitter, “More than Lee Hyuk Jae…More than Eunhyuk… I like Yoo Ji Hyuk… kekekekekekekeke.”

Source: @special1004 via ningin

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